Salut !

Je suis Mr. Coole.

Bienvenue sur mon site officiel !

J'espère que mes chansons ajouteront une touche parfaite à votre journée.

Singer / Artist / Band / Songwriter / Producer.

Subscribe - Share - Like - Sing!

notebook opened


Official Website

Préparez votre cœur. Vous entendrez les meilleures chansons de votre vie

Vous découvrirez également de la nouvelle musique, des tournées, des interviews télévisées, des concerts et bien d'autres encore.

black and white audio mixerblack and white audio mixer
a man sitting at a desk in a recording studioa man sitting at a desk in a recording studio
man in black shirt standing in front of audio mixerman in black shirt standing in front of audio mixer
man playing guitar grayscale photo
man playing guitar grayscale photo

I love music and I create each song thinking about life situations. Each song has a story. You will find out soon.


My inspiration comes from people. I am moved by those who make the most of their lives, by both emerging and established artists who pour their hearts into creating beautiful music. I am inspired by those who find joy and share it with the world.

black and gray microphone with standblack and gray microphone with stand
Production Musicale

I personally take care of every detail of the songs. From the combination of instruments, harmonies and melodies.

person wearing brown bootsperson wearing brown boots

Use headphones

The sound quality of the songs is very high and I use the most modern mastering techniques for a clean and perfect sound. You will like it. Believe me.

a close up of a keyboard with many colorsa close up of a keyboard with many colors